Bringing Zen back to the Web

Process Designer & Web Developer

Who Am I?

I am Ryan "Rhy" Gonzales, Kaizen Facilitator and Zend Certified PHP Engineer specializes in Web Development, Web Design, and Internet Marketing. I developed a lot of websites and applications that solves business problems. May it be a simple website, CMS such as WordPress or Joomla, Web Applications, etc. I can help you build them through careful planning and continuous development.

What problems do I solve?

Brand Discovery

The problem with some companies is that they don't have a definitive brand. A brand is not just a logo but a personality. I follow a process that can help you define your brand.

Web Systems

I help build websites and systems to better define, automated, and systematized a company's process. I build these systems to ultimately solves business problems.

Process Refinement

Kaizen means "Change for the better." As a Kaizen Facilitator, I can help you refine your processes to add more value to you as a company and to your clients.

Customer Experience

Using Kaizen in a Consultancy-type Company is difficult because solutions doesn't produce the same outcome every time. However, Kaizen can be used to refine your current processes and add more value to your clients.


What Do I Do?

I always consider the company's process. A piece of software or application needs to solve a certain problem. Many solutions tends to add up to the current process which may or may not be valuable. In Kaizen's Philosophy, software or application must help an organization to streamline or simplify a given process. It needs to help streamline the system so that the company may function more effectively and efficiently.

Get in touch

I am open for consultation. Let's hear your story.